Assigning Bookkeeper Org Visibility


Bookkeeper(s) are individuals who require view-only access to export transactions and manage reconciliation tasks (e.g., accountant, controller, or finance director). They can be granted access to view all accounts and activity in the org, or selective access to a subset of accounts based on organizational structure.

An Owner or Admin user can configure which accounts a Bookkeeper has access to view either on initial invitation, or on the People page. When a Bookkeeper is granted “view all” permissions, they will be able to view all current and future accounts, virtual cards, budgets, and transactions in the org.

When a Bookkeeper is granted selective view permissions to specific accounts, they will only be able to view the virtual cards, budgets, and transactions under the accounts they are granted access to. 


Assigning Bookkeeper Visibility

Owners and Admins can select bookkeeper visibility on invitation or at any point from the user details page.

When inviting and assigning a Bookkeeper, the Owner or Admin will see two options:

  1. “Grant access to all current and future accounts registered to this organization”
    1. This option grants the Bookkeeper with full visibility across the org’s current accounts and future accounts.
  2. “Only allow access to specific accounts”
    1. Selecting this option will prompt the user to select specific accounts that the Bookkeeper will gain visibility to.

Note: At least one account must be selected for the selective visibility option.


Updating Bookkeeper Visibility

Alternatively, Bookkeeper access can be updated at any point by the Owner or an Admin when navigating to the Bookkeeper’s User Details page. This can only be done on the Web version of the Extend app. To access User Details, navigate to the “People” page and click on the user. 

On the flyout, click “Update” on the Roles & Permissions section:

This will expand the Account Access options, where the same options (to either grant full visibility or selective visibility) will be available to select and configure.

Note: When any user role is updated to a Bookkeeper, the same prompt will appear to select account access. 


Differences between Bookkeeper with view all access vs. selective access:

Accounts, Virtual Cards, Budgets and Transactions:
The Accounts page will only display accounts that the Bookkeeper has access to view. Similarly, they will only be able to view virtual cards, budgets, and transactions which are funded by the account(s) they have access to view. If a Bookkeeper has access to view all accounts, they will see all accounts, virtual cards, budgets, and transactions in the organization. 

Homepage View:
Only Bookkeepers who have access to view all accounts in the organization will be able to view the Home page statistics (as these are org-wide calculations). Bookkeepers who do not have org-wide view access will only see a count of the accounts, budgets, and virtual cards they have access to.

People Page:

Bookkeepers who have access to view all accounts in the organization will see a more detailed People page view, with a breakdown of the number of accounts, budgets, and virtual cards each user has. Bookkeepers who do not have org-wide view access will only see basic user details such as the name and role of each user.