Extend gives you the ability to create virtual credit cards for anyone who needs to charge a business expense including team members, contractors, vendors, or yourself. Before you can create a virtual card you must have a Registered Account or a Budget.
To Create a Virtual Card
Follow along with our video guide or step by step instructions below.
1. Click on the Create New button and select Create virtual cards
2. Select the type of virtual card you wish to create. See Types of virtual cards to learn more about which virtual card is best for you use case.
3. Next, specify the virtual card recipient and configure your spend controls.
- Recipient(s) email address(es): You can send unique virtual cards to multiple recipients at once by adding a comma after each email address.
- Card name: Choose a name that will help you easily identify the card in your transaction list.
- Primary funding source: You can select any of your registered cards or budgets in order to fund the virtual card.
- Credit limit: This is how much can be charged on the virtual card. Credit limits cannot exceed the limit of the Registered Account or Budget that funds the card.
- Active until date: This date signifies when the card can no longer be used. It is different from the expiration date, which is used for making purchases. Optional: Tag the card with specific expense categories, detailed notes or upload attachments.
4. Once you have configured the virtual card spend controls, click the Create Virtual Card button. The recipient(s) will receive a notification that their card is ready to use, and you will receive notifications of their transaction activity in real time.
You can update or make changes to an existing virtual card at any time. Your virtual card recipient(s) can also request an update from you. See Updating a virtual card to learn more about how to update existing virtual cards.