Sync transactions to NetSuite

All your cleared transactions from Extend virtual cards can be easily synced with your accounting software through an integration.

The Owner and Admin roles have permission to connect and manage an integration for the organization. If your organization is already connected to an integration, you can view it on the Integrations tab of the Organizations Settings page.

As the Owner, Admin, or Bookkeeper (who can sync transactions, but cannot manage the integration), you can review each transaction prior to syncing. This allows you to categorize transactions appropriately with the expense category options and select which expense account the transaction belongs to.

When you sync a transaction, the transaction data will map to the expense categories in your accounting software. Additionally, each cleared transaction will import receipt attachments and virtual card metadata, including virtual card name, last 4 digits of the virtual card, RCN name, last 4 digits of the RCN, transaction reference ID, and any notes added to virtual cards and transactions in Extend.  


How to sync transactions

  1. Once the integration with your accounting software has been established, navigate to the Expenses section from the main navigation.

  2. You will notice the default view of transactions is by Transaction Date. Best practice is to change your view to Clear Date because the clearing/posting date is the date that will push to your connected accounting software.

Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 2.32.38 PM.png


  1. If you would like to edit any of the expense categories attached to a transaction before you sync the transactions, you can select the transaction to review the details on the Transaction flyout on the right and update any of the expense categories defined within your org.

Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 2.33.18 PM.png


  1. Select one or more transactions that you would like to sync using the checkbox to the left of each transaction. You can also “bulk select” transactions by selecting the box at the top of the column, next to Date. 

A modal will appear at the bottom of the page once a transaction has been checked. The modal states how many transactions have been selected. 

Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 2.34.34 PM.png

  1. Click the Sync with {name of integration} button on the modal to start the transaction sync. 


  • You may only sync transactions that have cleared and that have not already been synced.
  • If one or more of your selected transactions does not have an expense account defined, you will receive an error message directing you to add an expense account before attempting the sync again.


As your transactions are syncing, you can monitor the status from the column on the far right of the Transactions list.

  1. The hourglass icon indicates the transaction sync is in progress.
  2. The integration logo icon indicates the transaction successfully synced.
  3. The failure/exclamation icon indicates the transaction failed to sync.


Congratulations, your connected accounting software should now reflect the recent synced transactions!



What accounting integrations are offered?

Today, Extend offers Quickbooks and NetSuite integrations. More integrations will be available soon!


Are the expense categories required in order to sync transactions?

Yes, a defined expense category is required in order to push the transaction to a connected accounting software. If this information is missing at a transaction level, the transaction list screen will indicate the item is missing.


Will I be able to edit all expense categories at the transaction level?

You will have an opportunity to add or edit the expense categories at the transaction level prior to pushing the transaction data to your connected accounting software. Each transaction must have an expense category before you can start the sync process. 


If I add notes to a virtual card or transaction in Extend, will those notes push to my connected accounting software?
Any information added in the Notes field within Extend will also push to your connected accounting software and will display in the Memo field.


If a transaction has receipts attached, will those push to my connected accounting software?

Yes, you can push attachments to your accounting software. To learn more please see, Sync transaction attachments to your accounting software.


If the user is connected to a bank feed for physical card transactions (Plaid integration), will the transactions tied to the funding account also push to my connected accounting software?

Yes, if you are connected to Plaid, you can also push transactions at the RCN level into your accounting software.  


How does Extend push transactions where the date is in a closed period?

If you attempt to push a transaction with a clearing date tied to a closed period, Extend will push the transaction to the latest open period, without altering the date.


What happens to my transactions if I disconnect from my accounting software?

Once the transactions are sent to your connected accounting software, they cannot be sent to another account. If you would like to push transactions to a different account, you will need to download them to a .csv file and manually add them to a different account within your accounting instance.